CHM music editor and co-founder Sharyn Gersh stunned the rest of us here at the office recently when she announced
“We’ve been tasked with re-packaging The Good Fight for network.”
The silent shock from the rest of us was palpable.
For those of you uninitiated, The Good Fight is a spinoff of The Good Wife, created by Robert and Michelle King and their producing partner Phil Alden Robinson. Sharyn has been working with the Kings and composer David Buckley for the last decade. The Good Fight has been tucked away behind the CBS access subscription service for three seasons now and “re-packaging for network” simply means doing edits, conform, and possible re-mixes to bring the show to go ol’ fashioned, no-paywall, network TV. And as put by The Week:
“the Kings have taken being exiled to a subscription service as a license to get more political — and in particular to attack the presidency of Donald Drumpf. Freed from the fear of losing advertisers, or of having their parent network get blasted in White House press briefings, The Good Fight producers have been uncommonly savage. – https://theweek.com/articles/825631/good-fight-only-tv-show-that-makes-sense-2019
And this is exactly why all of us here at Create Harmony are excitedly prepping our popcorn to watch the discourse the show provides in a wider available audience. The show is already no stranger to controversy, raising the hackles of liberals and conservatives alike with news outlets appending the show name with the click-batey “sparks outrage” headline repeatedly.
Whatever happens in the translation to network, I personally hope for 2 things on the music front. I hope that the main title sequence survives a bit of it’s one and a half minute brilliance with a composition from composer David Buckley that still gives me chills every time I hear it (see above video). Additionally, I hope that all the School House Rockesque animations with music written and performed by geek-do-well songwriter Jonothan Coulton aka “JoCo” make the cut.